Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmastime is here

Hey all!
I am posting a song from Justin Bieber's Christmas album. I think he does a great job reinventing a classic song. Of course, the rap session changes the style of the song from classy to more upbeat. Bieber is a Christian who happens to be a musical artist at the same time. He has the difficult job of choosing to stick with what the musical industry desires or breaking away as a Christian artist. I honestly have no clue of what he will do since he is currently seventeen years old. I am just excited that he may be a light to those in darkness. This kid emanates so much talent and we can only hope for the best in the future.


Below is a clip of a nine year old girl performing a hiphop routine to Drummer boy. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

~Home Sweet Home~

My Truth Sistas! 

Hello all,

So far I am having a great time in NYC. My roommates and I have been getting along well. I think we definitely are a success story compared to the numerous "horrible" tales of past roommates. I think the fact that we live in a smaller apartment allows us to bond with one another. I am very thankful that they are so sweet and kind..( I cannot even express how thankful I am to have them in my life). So far we have gone on little adventures to Coney Island, the Chelsea Goodwill, Penn Station, Central Park, and Time Square...I can't believe I have lived here for two months and yet I still haven't seen the whole island of Manhattan!

There is definitely a significant climate change here in the city. I realized the skyscrapers actually help to block the wind. I live on the intersection of 34th street and 5th avenue. So when I turn the corner onto 5th I suddenly feel a gust a wind that was not there initially. Basically what I am saying is that the temperature in the city varies slightly because of these huge buildings. The weather has not gotten too cold (yet)
BUT it snowed on Saturday! This was a surprise since I had never seen snow in October. Now, I can say that I have.

On a side note, I am attaching an essay I wrote for class titled "Home Sweet Home" I wrote this from some past enjoy! :)
(BTW I was not allowed to use any adjectives or adverbs)

A morning in Texas begins as sunlight shines through my window. Bacon sizzles in a pan. My mother paces throughout the kitchen. She searches for ingredients. My siblings awake from slumber. They tumble into the kitchen. My family of eight begins chattering. They  speak about the dreams, they have just experienced. I watch this procession of the morning and find satisfaction in our routine. More than a habitat, my home includes my house, my relatives, and my place of belonging.
I find familiarity in Texas. The people, shops and food all make up the richness of life. The people I love are the ones who have connected with me on a deeper level than most. They include my siblings and my best friends. Although my sisters and I enjoy each others presence, we do not always get along. The fights are short and we manage to love again by the end of the day. My best friends understand my needs. We pray, laugh, and eat with one another. We go shopping together. The shops in our area are quaint. They shelve items that are unique. They sell soap filled with cash and gear associated with the football team. The green and white colors of our school reign in the shop. The football team recently won the championship. Their victory makes history for our town. Of course, within weeks the town announced a parade with floats and food. I enjoy the hamburgers made by hand. They are crisp and topped with lettuce, tomato, and onion. The burger is served with a glass of coke. As I sip the coke, the sting on my tongue reminds me of home.
I will always remember my home in Texas. The warmth of summer and the coolness of night all year round etched in my mind the natural progression of a season. My mother yells at my brothers, "settle down up there" and "Don't make me come up there." My sister's babbles, breaking all silence in the room. She speaks of nothing important, only releasing sounds of her voice. My father cooks the the meal on Sundays, coming ingredients such as orange peels and sausage. We ask, "Is this orange or something?" He does not reply, so we make our own judgment. We ride to church singing " Joyful, joyful Lord we adore thee" and dance along with it, Often, we engage in conversations intent on defining our culture. "Let's watch Roots!" my father suggests. We change the topic as fast as we can. Most importantly, I find comfort in my mother who defines a woman of strong will. She is my aid throughout all my battles. She wars for my life. My life I owe to her. The significance of my home contains all these elements.
Eventually, I will begin my own household. It will encompass past and present fragments of my upbringing. My own children will hear the yelling of a mother. They will smell bacon on the stove. We will sing together in the car and dance to the beat. They will inquire a father who makes dinner. We will discuss heritage because everyone needs the history of their people. Lastly, I will comfort them through the darkest of nights. My home will become their home.

That's all! I Hope it impacts you in a positive way. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday/ Moving day!


So today happens to be my day of birth! Eighteen years ago today I was beginning a new journey in life. Yet again I am moving forward by "force" but this time I am doing it by making this HUGE shift into NYC

I am a mentally and a bit physically exhausted at the amount of effort it takes to begin some where new. I really thought this would be a simple "pack a couple bags and leave" kinda thing but no I am sitting here in my living room reminiscing my TX years...the memories that I will be missing, the homecoming
festivities, Thanksgiving, birthdays etc.  

However, I am sure these feelings will disappear once I actually enter the city! 

 ~ Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty
No place in the world can compare... yeah  yeah ~

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Razzle Dazzle Seatbelts

I have finally decided to give an update on my new favorite bags. They are called Harveys Seatbelt bags and yes they are made out of genuine Seatbelts! (Some are even recycled seat belts :] )
I first saw one of their bags back in '07 at a conference and since then I  have been wanting to buy one. SO since next month is my 18th birthday and this only happens once a year....I have to finally fulfill my dream and get one!

I love how she accessorized her bag with the ribbon! Great idea I may do the same.

 BTW these images come from the Harveys Seatbelt Blog right here on Blogger if you ever want to check them out.  Well I hope with my inspiration someone else will enjoy this trendy look.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My very first blog (ever)!

Welcome to my "New Yorkified" blog! :) This is my very first blog post so bare with me as I work out the kinks.
Now let me write a bit more about myself & the purpose of this web journal:

  • The name is Hanah. There's only one "n" to be a little more original, I guess

  • I enjoy reading Seventeen, Teen Vogue ,and Ebony magazine

  • I plan to one day become bilingual

  • I want to live outside the U.S. and experience other fabulous cultures

  • Moving to NYC, hence the blog title

  • Dancing and any type of excercise helps me to think

  • I prefer writing on paper than typing

  • Jesus Christ is my lord and savior :D I would not physically be on Earth without God.

  • Spirit-filled Christian

  • My initials are H&M!

I am overly enthusiastic about the Lord! I will expand on this topic and others throughout this summer and the rest of the year. Right now I do have a list of subjects that have been on my mind lately...
Of course, I may not touch each topic but atleast its a starting point.
  1. Interracial relationships
  2. Smoking
  3. Christianity
  4. My political views
  5. Black Culture 
Just in case you were wondering all of my topics will involve some aspect of the city.Eventually I will come up with some more but this is my starting point. Anywho, this was my first blog entry! I am official now in the blog world!!