Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmastime is here

Hey all!
I am posting a song from Justin Bieber's Christmas album. I think he does a great job reinventing a classic song. Of course, the rap session changes the style of the song from classy to more upbeat. Bieber is a Christian who happens to be a musical artist at the same time. He has the difficult job of choosing to stick with what the musical industry desires or breaking away as a Christian artist. I honestly have no clue of what he will do since he is currently seventeen years old. I am just excited that he may be a light to those in darkness. This kid emanates so much talent and we can only hope for the best in the future.


Below is a clip of a nine year old girl performing a hiphop routine to Drummer boy. 


  1. Hi, Hanah - you won our Express giveaway! Can you email me your mailing address to the email under "contact us" on our blog?

    Thanks and congrats! -tricia-
