Monday, January 9, 2012

2012: It's a new year!

Hello all!

I have just arrived back in NYC just in time to witness the annual “no pants” subway ride...
It was great to take a break from this fast paced life and just settle down for a moment. It was so much fun to celebrate Hannukah alongside Christmas. The menorah was definitely one of a kind! My family and I enjoyed our very first Secret Santa Christmas present exchange. I literally thought that someone would “accidently” slip me the name of my secret Santa but by some miracle that did not happen. On New Years Eve, our church had an Eddie James Ministries worship session for the youth and young adults. He and his team led us into some great worship and a time of powerful testimonies! Let just say they released the fire as we entered into the new year ahead.

Recently, I have been reading some new blogs. These blogs explain how Black Women should be open to dating outside their race since every other race is doing so. Statistics show that Black Women are the least likely to marry outside of their race. I am learning mainly to have confidence that I can date whomever I want without worrying what other people think. The opinions of these women have shown me that men of all races are acceptable as a future boyfriend/husband. I am thankful that there are people out there that see interracial relationships as developing successfully alongside homogenous relationships. My goal is to support those BW out there who openly display their attraction to someone of a different race. I have learned for sure that there is no reason to hate them. Opening ones mind to all the people of the globe is great and I cannot wait to see more and more individuals move beyond color boundaries and choose love first and foremost.

 Personally, I want to find myself in a relationship with someone not based on the color of his skin but on whom he is in Christ. In the end, the actually relationship will not hold any validity unless God has put the two individuals together. Therefore, I believe myself and other BW should all look beyond color lines and find the person God intends for us to be in a relationship with. I feel like that message has been lost.

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