Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mis cosas favoritas sobre Breukelen

·      -Dance
·      -Spanish
·      -Traveling- ethnic foods
·      -Exploring new places
·      -Working
·      -Frugal shopping
·      -Small neighborhood shops
·      -Quaint bakerys
·      -$1.00 pizza
·      -The Promenade
·      -The brisk morning air brushing past my warm skin
·      -Walking on the street and feeling my internal organs instantly come alive
·      -The sun sets reflection on the water
·      -That feeling when my heart races for no apparent reason
·      -When I feel loved, appreciated and wanted.
·      -Listening to every conversation on the subway whether the person is speaking English, Spanish or Swahili just because I can and by the time I leave the subway car I feel as if I know them.
·      -Kids. Walking with parents to school. Their various observations on the subway. Smiling as the train leaves and takes them to a new place in this big ‘ol city.
·      -Smiling randomly to those on the sidewalk just to make their day better ( or because I just had a great day)
·      -Sitting. On the subway next to a stranger and reading the newspaper over their shoulder. On a park bench on the Promenade as folks walk their teacup poodles and Great Danes, alike.
·      -Dogs. Simply because they don’t recognize their differences since a dog is dog whether young or old, grande o pequeno... it’s all the same.

Listening to this Hurricane song:

 These are a few of mis cosas favoritas sobre Brooklyn and my college experience thus far. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Avengers and Shawarma, of course!

Hi all,

I recently watched The Avengers with some friends. We actually watched the end credits and they had a scene with all the exhausted super heroes eating shawarma in a local NYC restaurant. I have never tried it so I looked it up and found an article about it. I'm going to try and find a place that sells it! Mmmm can't wait :D

Shawarma :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yo se que vive mi redento, la vida en mi proclama

That's me!
Yes, I know my redeemer lives! I actually had the chance to see Nicole Mullen at a worship conference inside the Waldorf Astoria hotel earlier this month. She performed this song along with some of her other well known songs. I was so excited to see her!!..kinda wish I could have gotten a picture with her before she left.

 So, this little girl has been nineteen for a little over a month now WOAH! haha but seriously this is my last year as a teenager.

Also, there is a blog that I have been reading over for my possible trip to Peru here. It's a summer mission trip to Peru and their goal is to build strong Christ-centered relationships with the kids. I'm not sure if I will get the chance to go to the country but either way it's a great experience to get out in the world with a purpose. I'll keep everyone posted as to the outcome. My other plan is to participate in an International Ventures trip with my college. There are currently four trips available to East Africa, Turkey, Israel, and China.

19 years young!

I crossed another item off my to-do list last week, when I visited Levain Bakery on 72nd and Amsterdam. Their cookies are delicious, gooey and huge! Hmm I won't be having one of those for a long time but I at least I had the chance to try one.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Adios Manhattan y hola Brooklyn!

Hi all,

I have just moved back to NYC and I am now a Brooklynite! I am loving my new apartment in Brooklyn Heights. The quiet atmosphere is quite lovely. I am beginning to discover a few study spots on the plaza and on the promenade. I am always seeing parents with their kids and people who ACTUALLY live here as opposed to the tourists in Midtown. It is definitely going to be an adventure living in such a radically different environment.

Since moving back to the city, I have tried to participate in some new activities. This year a made a list of all the places I want to explore. So far, I have checked off the Staten Island ferry, Brooklyn Bridge park, and kayaking on the East River. I even went to an opera at the Metropolitan Opera House. The opera was fantastic! I never realized how beautiful vocals can be when they are not sung in English. I believe they were singing in Italian. (And yes, we had subtitles!) I cannot even imagine how long it took them to learn all the lyrics because they basically sang the entire show. I am so excited to participate in culture enriching activities. I may even go to the "Anna Bolena" opera tonight!

My other new goal is to visit as many new churches as possible. Even though I enjoy going to World Changer Church-NY, I feel that trying something new would be great and I might just find something that I enjoy. I will always webcast my home church back in Texas because it is essentially the bread and butter that I need from a church community. I know eventually I will join a connect group with one of the local churches in the city. I will keep everyone updated.


Check out:
The site showcases events going on here in Brooklyn!

 Psalm 37:4

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Organix Shampoo Review

Hi all,

Last week, I found an amazing deal on the Organix Shampoo and Conditioner so I thought I would give them a try. I read some online reviews and I thought past customers seemed genuinely pleased with the product. The main reason I wanted to try their shampoo was because I read a review that explained how the shampoo had a great scent! :D

So, today I used the combo for the first time. My first thought was what a great scent/ lather combination...then I realized if it's organic and sulfate free why does it lather so well?? That was just one of my thoughts since they claim "organic" ingredients in their products. ( I have been using an organic shampoo lately so I know the difference) Anyways, I then conditioned my hair for about 30-45 minutes, which is ideal for African-American, coarse hair. Afterwards, I just basked in the teatree mint aroma!!!

Since this is just the first day, I will write an update on this review.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mmmm...Sweet Potato Fries

Hi everyone :)

So, today I decided to make sweet potato fries a recipe by a you tuber named, Brittany Null. The video is posted above. I also looked over Paula Deen's recipe for Sweet potato fries here!

I have actually tried the recipe twice so far and I am still getting used to the texture of these fries. I kept them in the oven to obtain a crisp Mcdonald's fry taste, but I did not get that. Instead, I was surprised to find fries with a texture closer to homestyle mashed potatoes with a slightly, crispy outer layer. Overall, I just wanted to try a "healthy" recipe

 I'll probably post a picture from my first attempt...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My heart is Yours, Jesus Culture

Update: Check out these two! Wow :)

You won't relent until You, have it allMy heart is Yours
I'll set You as a seal upon my heartAs a seal upon my armFor there is love that is as strong as deathJealousy demanding as the graveAnd many waters cannot quench this love
Come be the fire inside of meCome be the flame upon my heartCome be the fire inside of meUntil You and I are One

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Psalm 30

Hi all,

Today, I am sitting at home listening to one of my favorite artists, Jamie Grace. She is such an inspiration to me with her musical talent and her obedience to God's will in her life. She recently graduated from college and is about to go on tour with her album! I wish she would travel to NYC one day to perform so that I could hear her live concert. HMM...maybe one day she will be able to do so. Anyways, check her out below!

While watching one of her videos, I saw her comment that her favorite verse was Psalm 30:5. So, I looked it up and loved what I read: for his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning!!!

That's totally true and it seems like weeping always occurs at night for some reason. BUT GOD  he comes and changes all situations for our good, and for that I am thankful to have a heavenly father :D
Also, verse 11-12 are very significant. It reads: You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothe me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and and not be silent. O YHWH my God I will give you thanks forever!

Here's a summer update. I have entered a contest to win a seatbelt bag. If you have a Facebook, please help me by liking this picture! I can use each and every 'like' Thanks!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


My new song. Finals, grades, presentations, packing and moving...nope can't kill me :) ...or breakups if I want to actually refer to the song.

My favorite part is 2:30 to the end! Kelly is dancing!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Art Review: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale Dine Out

Hi all,

Last semester, I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and saw this particular painting titled Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale Dine Out. I wrote a review for it below. Enjoy!

The American Artist Guy Pène du Bois illustrates the dining experience of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale in a 1924 painting. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale sit across the table from one another in a New York restaurant. The couple begins to enjoy the evening when a nice waiter arrives.  Although they are not speaking to one another, Bois uses their stiff body language to depict communication. Bois’ use of color, the couple and a waiter all create the relationship within the scene.

Guy Pène du Bois completed many pieces of art during his life. His travels throughout Europe led him to learn different techniques to incorporate within his artwork. Bois’ use of oil on canvas blends well to convey his subjects. Invisible brushstrokes characterize his artwork and allow him to portray his paintings as real as possible.  Many of his paintings including Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale portray social elites dining and mingling together. His fascination with this group of people illuminates this society. He incorporates aspects of their lives such as their spending habits on jewelry and stylish clothing. The elite women wear shiny rings on their fingers and the latest 1920s dress. The men sit straight in their chairs with chins held high in a dignified manner. Their crisp, black suits show no sign of wear. Bois portrays these people as those who have no care in the world.

In his painting of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale, Guy Pène du Bois continues to display the social life of elite couples. Interestingly, this particular painting may have some hidden meaning. The scene shows Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale sitting across from one another at a table, as a waiter stands close by, neither one is smiling which shows tension in their relationship. I noticed that she reaches toward a slip of paper in his hand, which he has pulled in closer to himself. The waiter, standing above Mr. Dale, has his attention fixed upon this slip of paper. The hidden paper may contain news that Mr. Dale thinks only men are fit to know and discuss. On the other hand, the waiter’s curious facial expression may show his possible intrusion on the very topic that Mr. Dale hides from his wife. Anyways, it is clear that Mr. Dale has a private note and it is not for his wife’s eyes. Another peculiar aspect of the painting is the reflection displayed in the window behind the table. Both the waiter and Mr. Dale appear to reflect off the window yet Mrs. Dale has no reflection. Hence, Bois shows her invisibility to others. Her invisibility may derive from her lack of knowledge on certain subjects that her husband keeps from her. Essentially, she is kept in the dark about such things. Also, her black and white clothing masks her beauty as a woman. Her broad shoulders and long arms are not typical feminine features. Bois’ layout of this scene does a great job of creating mystery.  However, the simplicity of the piece causes many viewers to look quickly before moving along to the next work of art.

Digging deeper into an analysis of this painting, I realize many of the museum visitors neglect to reflect on this art. As a talented artist, Bois knows how to catch the attention of an audience yet this painting rarely stops any curious visitors. The neutral colors lack an intensity seen in other pieces of modern art. Black, white, and shades of gray encompass the aesthetics of this painting. Lacking bold colors, this painting attracts visitors due to its underlying story. After a long moment of observation, visitors notice the couple’s body language and their feelings about the slip of paper. They may even notice their elite status as they dine in an exclusive restaurant. In the end, a visitor has witnessed a piece of art.

The artwork of Guy Pène du Bois hangs brilliantly in a modern art gallery. His low-key colors and simple lines allow visitors to quickly gaze over his artwork. Those who stay long enough will catch a glimpse of a hidden meaning within the piece. He has gained success as a professional artist because he can hide meaning in his work.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A World Changer

Hi all,

I have not written a new blog post for awhile now. So, I am going to post some updates.

First of all, last month I was able to visit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the day. Philly, also known as the city of brotherly love,  has such a rich culture! The 'touristy' areas were filled with high end shopping centers similar to those on 34th Street. I enjoyed exploring this city which has a great amount of history. The founding fathers might have walked on some of those same streets that I walked on...or maybe that's what I would like to think :D The Liberty Bell still has its famous crack running up the middle. It was great to actually see it up close. And the classic Philly Cheese steak rocked!! I literally waited in line for an hour just to try the famous sandwhich with melted mozzarella cheese =] I even experienced Philly's Magic Gardens. I cannot wait to go back and see it during the day. They created the mosaics out of many different materials...just think what can be done with a little bit of human labor and creativity.

The Liberty Bell

I think being in such a historical city gave me a new sense of American pride. Those who are not Americans who visit places such as Philly and Washington D.C. go for the cliche mementos. I ,as an American, felt that I actually recognized the importance of those who fought to establish the United States of America. Most importantly, I am glad that America was founded under God. I believe that our country will continue to succeed as long as we give glory to God, because it is through him that all out this success has happened.

Philadelphia's Magic Gardens

Spring has finally arrived after this mild winter. Macy's has its annual Flower Show going on right now on 34th Street. So, I am always able to catch the floral aromas. Before I came here, I did not enjoy drinking tea ,but now I have found that I like bubble tea which is actually milk, tea and tapioca pearls. I found a new cafe that has a variety of bubble teas and I will visit again soon.
Sitting in the park

As some may know, our college currently resides in the Empire State Building but now we are moving to the Financial District. We have classes in the basement and know we are moving to the same area where the New York Stock Exchange is housed.  We are rising up!! Overall, I am excited for the Fall semester. New classes, new church, and new experiences in Brooklyn! WHOO-HOO

5th Avenue from the Empire State building