Friday, February 3, 2012

January Update

Hi all!

I have had an incredibly busy semester filled with many new experiences. Now that it's February I guess I should give an account of my recent activities. To begin, I went ice skating for the first in my life. Initially, I did not want to go because I knew that ice skating was not an easy task to learn. But hey I can only ice skate in NYC during this time of the year so why not do it...right? So, I got on the ice and tried my best to learn from the other skaters. Once I got the technique down and let myself relax the experience became so much better. In the end, I am glad to have taken that leap of faith to try something new! Now I can't wait to buy my own pair of skates so that I can practice this new sport that I enjoy.

Every year the March for Life is held in Washington, D.C. in protest of the Roe vs. Wade court case and for the first time I decided to attend. The morning was especially gloomy with persistent rain showers and cold weather. Our whole group, took a short break from the event to shelter ourselves form the precipitation inside the Smithsonian Museum.  Soon, the rain ended and we were back outside observing the crowd of dedicated protesters. I could not believe the amount of people who decided to show up in support of such a debated topic. However, I did notice that many of the participants were either teens or young adults. I was very appreciative to see there support since I am a strong pro-life advocate. The march took off with many holding I am the pro-life generation signs and I even saw an endearing sign stating, " Thanks mom for my birthday." Life is so precious and I am so glad that I was apart of the 2012 March for life! A highlight from my trip would be walking around D.C. as if it were NYC. We ( the group from my college) never stopped at the crosswalks or paid attention to the signs at all. I thought to myself "wow only New Yorkers refuse to stop at a crosswalk..." It was also cool that we ate a a local burger joint that had a Turkey burger  named after Michelle Obama.

I would also like to mention the FIRST SNOW of 2012. I woke up early that particular Saturday morning for no reason at all. I looked out the window and to my surprise it was snowing. Of course, I called home and told them the news. Afterwards, I was off the explore my new winter wonderland. I observed a few key things on my walk that morning. 1. The city seemed so peaceful and safe as if all the cruelty of the city was hidden beneath the inches of snow. 2. KIDS! There were multiple families out and about even though it was freezing. I knew those families were feeling the same way I was about the snow. It was as if a carefree spirit had overcome us. There was so much freedom to flourish and thrive.
So on my walk I decided to head down 5th ave, to Madison Square Park. My goal: walk on fresh, untouched snow...and was my mission accomplished? Yes, of course!!

I am beginning to enjoy blogging more and more :) So below is a mental checklist of somethings I want to write about in the neat future....

  • My short term goals
  • My long term goals
  • New church experience
  • My second semester
  • Black hair scholarship essay

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