Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Avengers and Shawarma, of course!

Hi all,

I recently watched The Avengers with some friends. We actually watched the end credits and they had a scene with all the exhausted super heroes eating shawarma in a local NYC restaurant. I have never tried it so I looked it up and found an article about it. I'm going to try and find a place that sells it! Mmmm can't wait :D

Shawarma :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yo se que vive mi redento, la vida en mi proclama

That's me!
Yes, I know my redeemer lives! I actually had the chance to see Nicole Mullen at a worship conference inside the Waldorf Astoria hotel earlier this month. She performed this song along with some of her other well known songs. I was so excited to see her!!..kinda wish I could have gotten a picture with her before she left.

 So, this little girl has been nineteen for a little over a month now WOAH! haha but seriously this is my last year as a teenager.

Also, there is a blog that I have been reading over for my possible trip to Peru here. It's a summer mission trip to Peru and their goal is to build strong Christ-centered relationships with the kids. I'm not sure if I will get the chance to go to the country but either way it's a great experience to get out in the world with a purpose. I'll keep everyone posted as to the outcome. My other plan is to participate in an International Ventures trip with my college. There are currently four trips available to East Africa, Turkey, Israel, and China.

19 years young!

I crossed another item off my to-do list last week, when I visited Levain Bakery on 72nd and Amsterdam. Their cookies are delicious, gooey and huge! Hmm I won't be having one of those for a long time but I at least I had the chance to try one.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Adios Manhattan y hola Brooklyn!

Hi all,

I have just moved back to NYC and I am now a Brooklynite! I am loving my new apartment in Brooklyn Heights. The quiet atmosphere is quite lovely. I am beginning to discover a few study spots on the plaza and on the promenade. I am always seeing parents with their kids and people who ACTUALLY live here as opposed to the tourists in Midtown. It is definitely going to be an adventure living in such a radically different environment.

Since moving back to the city, I have tried to participate in some new activities. This year a made a list of all the places I want to explore. So far, I have checked off the Staten Island ferry, Brooklyn Bridge park, and kayaking on the East River. I even went to an opera at the Metropolitan Opera House. The opera was fantastic! I never realized how beautiful vocals can be when they are not sung in English. I believe they were singing in Italian. (And yes, we had subtitles!) I cannot even imagine how long it took them to learn all the lyrics because they basically sang the entire show. I am so excited to participate in culture enriching activities. I may even go to the "Anna Bolena" opera tonight!

My other new goal is to visit as many new churches as possible. Even though I enjoy going to World Changer Church-NY, I feel that trying something new would be great and I might just find something that I enjoy. I will always webcast my home church back in Texas because it is essentially the bread and butter that I need from a church community. I know eventually I will join a connect group with one of the local churches in the city. I will keep everyone updated.


Check out:
The site showcases events going on here in Brooklyn!

 Psalm 37:4